GOLFTEC Email Signature Guidelines

Watch this video for instructions on updating your email signature - "How to update your Outlook email signature"
*Please note, if your machine does not have Microsoft Explorer, use Microsoft Edge as the web browser instead.

How to add to your Outlook Signature:

  1. Copy the text here for your appropriate signature (select from the Firstname or top of PGA logo through the bottom of the GOLFTEC logo)
  2. Paste into your signature block
  3. Change the fonts to Arial
  4. Add/change to your personal information
  5. Bold your name and center location
  6. Italic your title
  7. Make sure all text is 10px font size
  8. Save and test

General Use - No PGA affiliation
General Use (Dual Title)


Firstname Lastname
Certified Personal Coach

GOLFTEC Location Name
67 Inverness Drive East, Suite 175
Englewood, CO 80112
O: 000.222.3333 | C: 000.222.3333



Firstname Lastname
City Manager | Certified Personal Coach

GOLFTEC Location Name
67 Inverness Drive East, Suite 175
Englewood, CO 80112
O: 000.222.3333 | C: 000.222.3333




PGA Associate - no logo allowed / title only
PGA Members 
PGA Master Professional ONLY

Firstname Lastname
PGA Associate | Certified Personal Coach

GOLFTEC Location Name
67 Inverness Drive East, Suite 175
Englewood, CO 80112
O: 000.222.3333 | C: 000.222.3333


PGA Professional
Firstname Lastname
Certified Personal Coach

GOLFTEC Location Name
67 Inverness Drive East, Suite 175
Englewood, CO 80112
O: 000.222.3333 | C: 000.222.3333


PGA Professional
Firstname Lastname
Certified Personal Coach

GOLFTEC Location Name
67 Inverness Drive East, Suite 175
Englewood, CO 80112
O: 000.222.3333 | C: 000.222.3333



PGA of Canada Member
LPGA Member
British PGA Member South Africa PGA Member

PGA of Canada
Firstname Lastname
Certified Personal Coach

GOLFTEC Location Name
67 Inverness Drive East, Suite 175
Englewood, CO 80112
O: 000.222.3333 | C: 000.222.3333


LPGA Member
Firstname Lastname
Certified Personal Coach

GOLFTEC Location Name
67 Inverness Drive East, Suite 175
Englewood, CO 80112
O: 000.222.3333 | C: 000.222.3333


British PGA Member
Firstname Lastname
Certified Personal Coach

GOLFTEC Location Name
67 Inverness Drive East, Suite 175
Englewood, CO 80112
O: 000.222.3333 | C: 000.222.3333

British PGA Member
Firstname Lastname
Certified Personal Coach

GOLFTEC Location Name
67 Inverness Drive East, Suite 175
Englewood, CO 80112
O: 000.222.3333 | C: 000.222.3333